About Alison Lloyd
Alison Lloyd writes women’s historical fiction
with elements of romance, adventure,
warmth and wit.
About Author Alison Lloyd
Do you love
thoughtful writing but not bleak endings
plot twists and delightful prose
in stories that take you out of your everyday?
So does Alison Lloyd.
Alison Lloyd writes history with heart – thoughtful, evocative historical fiction about the lives of women, with a dash of romance, adventure, humour and hope. She loves a good sprinkle of rich, accurate historical detail.
Alison’s stories are often about characters looking for goodness and meaning. It’s her belief that love and loveliness, and even the hurts of this world, point us toward something – Someone – more. Although she doesn’t write Christian fiction, to her, Jesus’ redeeming death and life is the greatest story ever.
Alison has won and been shortlisted for several awards. She had ten books for children published. See them all at her kids website here. She won the 2019 NSW Premier’s History Award for her children’s book The Upside-Down History of Downunder.
Before becoming an author, Alison worked for Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. She now lives in Melbourne, Australia, home of Gold Rush grandeur. She aspires to living in a Victorian mansion, but is currently happy creating one in her head, for her novel in progress.
Alison loves most things ancient and antique. She also loves a long walk through bush or beach, growing flowers and ferns, and great conversation with friends and family.
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